The Public Art Team of the Metuchen Downtown Alliance (MDA) invites artists to propose design ideas for art work to be placed in the window cases outside of the Forum Theater at 314 Main St, Metuchen.
Project Goals:
The Borough of Metuchen is working towards the creation of the Metuchen Arts District on South Main St, including the Forum Theater which was acquired by Borough in 2019. The Borough is in the process of developing a strategic plan for the site.
Temporary art work is being commissioned to enliven the site and provide an artistic intervention opportunity for the enjoyment of the Metuchen community.

Project Details:
There are 2 window cases outside of the Theater, each with inside measurements of about 31” x 51”. The cases have about an additional space of 4” on each side which is not visible from the outside. The depth of the cases is about 3”.
Artists can propose to develop art work for one or both windows. The art work will be placed in the locked cases and must hold up to varying temperatures, sunlight and humidity conditions for approximately 6 months. The accepted art works may be rotated to allow for installations by other artists during the project time, so each work must be designed for ease of moving.
Budget Description:
Artists will be selected for an all-inclusive budget award of $150 per artist—half available upon the artist’s acceptance of the commission, and the remaining half upon completion of the project. Budget awards to include all project related fees, including artist and design fees, travel/meetings, materials and supplies, insurance, labor, equipment, fabrication, installation if artist’s participation is required and delivery to and from the site.
Selection Process:
Artist selection will be made by the MDA Public Art Team. Artists will be selected, and notified by 4/7/23. Each artist will be required to sign an agreement to the terms of the project before work can commence. No previous public art experience required; artists of all career levels and locations are welcome to apply.
3/24/23 – Applications Due
4/7/23 – Notification of Artist Selection
4/14/23 – Agreement awarded to selected artists
4/28/23 – Detailed design proposal due for final review and MDA acceptance of design
5/8/23 – MDA acceptance of final design
6/8/23 – Final artwork delivered to the site
6/17/23 – Public celebration of project
Application Requirements:
1. Name/Address/E-mail/Phone Number/Website
2. Updated Resume and/or biographical paragraph
3. Three digital images of artist’s work (each jpeg 72 dpi and 1200 pixels at its widest), including artist’s name, date, dimensions, medium & location (if appropriate)
4. A brief written description of design proposal and materials (with conceptual design sketches, if that will strengthen the application)
5. A brief general estimated budget breakdown
How to Apply:
Submission may be emailed to: