Win at Marketing
Create—and Execute—an Effective Marketing Strategy
Presented by Marketing Experts: Travis Brown, Rokusek Marketing; Susan Wilcox, eDynamic Marketing; and Noelle Stary, 20 Lemons
Wednesdays June 27, July 11, and July 25
5:30 – 6:30 PM Dinner and Networking
6:30 – 8:30 PM Presentation and Working Sessions
First Presbyterian Church Social Center, 270 Woodbridge Ave, Metuchen
Brought to you by Metuchen Downtown Alliance and SCORE
Join us and learn how to:
- Create an effective marketing strategy.
- Develop a compelling website.
- Select and test social media marketing to elevate your digital profile.
PLUS – partner with SCORE business experts for individual mentoring to assist you with developing and executing your marketing strategy.
Matching Grants
Metuchen Downtown Alliance members who attend all three workshops are eligible to compete for a minimum of $5,000.00 in matching grants to implement their marketing plan.