News, Events & Promotions for third quarter 2024.
Downtown Olympics (Saturday July 27th): Support your country by displaying your flag for the duration of the Olympics. Let us know of any country-related specials.
After Hours (Saturday August 24th and September 7th): Club DJ Sabine Blaizin will be at Peterson Park from 7-9 pm and we encourage businesses normally closed at this time to open in the evening. Let us know if you are staying open late and if you are offering specials.
Downtown Rumble (Saturday September 14th) – Join in on the fun at the Downtown Rumble, our annual pro-wrestling event. Share your “Downtown Rumble” themed specials with us (e.g.: 10% with a mention of “Downtown Rumble”, special dinner packages, specialty themed beverages or products, special sessions for athletes etc.)
Metuchen Pops (September 28th): A day showcasing pop culture in the form of art, dance, music and more.